Friday, September 16, 2011

A brush with greatness

Well not really I guess, but still it was a nice surprise to click around on the Gifts and Dec website and stumble upon a photo of a balloon that I designed, floating beside the governor of Ga as he proclaimed Sept to be Balloon Month in GA. Another piece for the 'press' page if I ever get it up.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wow, it has been some time.

I think I need to take this blog more seriously. I haven't written since I went to AmericasMart back in January. I missed the summer show, so nothing to share there.

But, I have been keeping busy. The Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa show is accepting applications now. We are gearing up for the holiday market.

I've been doing a lot of sketching the past few months. All in pencil, filling several sketchbooks with figures, cartoons, and ideas. I post an iPhone snap on InstaGram now and then, but I think it's time to start posting here again. Since blogger now has an iPhone app, it's super easy to post anytime. I found another cool trick, too. I can pair my phone with a tiny Bluetooth keyboard and type so much more easily.

I think I'll start my nightly sketching; I've really come to enjoy drawing at bedtime almost every night. Maybe I'll InstaGram the result. ; )
