Tuesday, December 14, 2010

RXRAD - Railroad Arts District Holiday Market

Last friday I got to spend a little time with some crafty friends at the Second Annual Railroad Arts District Holiday Market. It was a little breezy and cool outside (who am I kidding, it was COLD), but a roaring fire and plenty of warm drinks from Hendershots Coffee made the cold quite bearable.

The RXRAD (as the area is known) Holiday Market, now in its second year, has filled the void left by Big City Bread's now defunct market quite nicely. The ambiance is the same - night time, holiday lights and warm fires - and lots of talented local artists offering up fresh holiday crafts.

The Red Oak Southern String Band made an appearance and entertained the guests with their own brand of bluegrass and old timey. While this is my first time seeing these guys play, I sure hope it is not the last.

Lots of Holiday Lights makes for a festive display

The Farm Cart was on hand, serving up hot fresh food. I heard their soup was yummy!

Dena Maxwell talks to a customer about her art.

Lovely lamps.

Hope this market sticks around for years to come.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season... for Holiday Markets.

Athens supports many holiday artist markets this time of year, and all seem to get a good turnout - both with quality artisans and guests looking to buy handmade for their holiday giving.

Leading off the 2010 season was the Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa, held earlier this year than usual to avoid conflicts with other markets. This show has grown in just three years to a regionally known show, attracting artists from as far away as Chicago, TN and SC. The earlier date also offered much nicer weather, it was sunny and warm rather than cold, windy and wet as the previous December shows have invariably been. Both guests and vendors seemed to like the schedule change, so we think Serra plans to try to work it into November every year. 

This year's Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa featured a fantastic food area. We had covered seating, with fresh hot food. The Caledonia was open to serve drinks and cocktails as well. 

The New Farmington Depot Gallery held their first annual Holiday Market this past Dec. 4th and 5th. This space is fairly new to the area, but I think it is one to watch.  The restoration of the old Depot and grounds are progressing very nicely.  Chris Hubbard gave me a tour of the grounds and showed me how much progress  has been made.  This property is historically significant, and not just for the depot. I'm keeping my eyes on these artists. 

The OCAF Market in Oconee covered two days  and offered work from the 'Artland of Georgia'. This event covers three days and fills two good sized buildings. 

The 283 Holiday Market was back this year but i didn't get to go to this one.  The show was scheduled for a Thursday, from 11am till 5pm.  Seems to me like that would cut working people out of attending. It did  me, anyway. 

New this year, the Clay Gardens Holiday Market, also known as Craftapalooza ran concurrently with the grand opening of the Clay Gardens Gallery. Music, fresh toasted pecans (straight out of the yard) and lots of wonderful people made this event a wonderful way to spend a sunday afternoon. They are renting studio space, with bathrooms, kitchen and access to kilns included.  If you are interested, check their facebook page.  The website is not up yet, but they are working on it.  

Also new this year was the Oh Boy! Artist Market and right across the street, the Treehouse Kids and Craft Markets just this weekend. 

The Flicker Bar Market is coming up, next Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. I think I'll be sharing a space with a good friend, drop in and say hello if you are in the area. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Call to Artists - Public Art Projects

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 12:23 PM PST
CALL TO ARTISTS: Second Street Public Art Project, Chattanooga, TN | Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Public Art Chattanooga is seeking qualifications from artists for a public art project that will result in the installation of two sculptures in the heart of downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee. This RFQ is open to all professional artists and artist teams over the age of 18, who currently reside in the United States. Deadline for submissions is January 13, 2011, 4:00 PM EST. For complete details and an application, please click on the link:

Public Art Chattanooga
Department of Parks & Recreation
1102 South Watkins Street
Chattanooga, TN 37404
Phone: (423) 643-6096

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 12:20 PM PST
Dogwood Regional Fine Arts Exhibit

Please view our 2009 and 2010 exhibit at:www.dogwoodregionalfineartsexhibit.blogspot.com

The Dogwood Regional Fine Arts Exhibition was developed to showcase and award the areas finest artists. Artists from within a radius of 300 miles of Knoxville may enter. Fine art encompassing all styles and genres from both emerging and established artists will be selected by a juror for exhibition. Our new 2011 location will be Bennett Gallery, Knoxville most prestigious fine arts gallery, housed in a renovated vintage movie theater at 5308 Kingston Pike.
Juror: Our juror this year is Virginia Derryberry, Professor and Chair of the Department of Art at the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Derryberry received her BA in art history from Vanderbilt University, and MA in painting and printmaking from Peabody College, and an MFA in painting from the University of Tennessee. Her recent exhibits include venues such as Valdosta State University in Georgia, Nashville International Airport, and Rudgers University. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Carnegie Museum of Art and the Asheville Art Museum. A recipient of many grants, awards, and fellowships, she was recently chosen as Visiting Artist at the American Academy in Rome.
Cash awards totaling $4,000.00 will be presented at the exhibit's Reception on April 2nd. Best in Show- $2,000.00, $1,000.00 Merit, $500.00 Merit, and two $250.00 Merit awards. All awards are designated by juror and are final.
The exhibit will run from April 1-30, 2011. Deadline for entry is February 22, 2011.
Please visitwww.dogwoodarts.com to download an application and prospectus.

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